
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 3, 2014



December 3, 2014


Board members present:  Camilla Lockwood, Randy Martin, John Kieley, and Allan Pickman

Call to order by Pickman at 7:30 p.m.

Approval of minutes:  Motion by Kieley to approve the minutes of 11/19/14 as written, second by Pickman, and so voted.

Vacancy on the board:  Pickman asked board members to get the word out about a current vacancy that needs to be filled between now and March.  Several names were brought up and Pickman suggested these people be contacted and asked to attend meetings to get a feel of what is being discussed and how things function.  The Planning Board can appoint a person to fill Lowry’s term until March elections.  It was noted that the terms of Lockwood and Ayvazian were expiring this year, and Lockwood told the board she is planning on running for re-election; it is unknown if Ayvazian will sign up again. 

Need to elect a Vice Chairman:  Pickman said he felt the board should wait until more members were present to consider this.  Kieley nominated Lockwood to be Vice Chair, but Lockwood declined the position.  No further action taken.

Old Brick School:  The final Site Plan Review narrative documents will be reviewed for accuracy, and the board will be notified if there are any discrepancies. The final full-size plat was checked over and found to be satisfactory.  Pickman has the signed copy of the letter written to aid in any future title search, which will be recorded at the registry.

Agriculture:  Pickman stated the board is currently trying to work on three different issues - agriculture, the sign ordinance, and the Master Plan.  He suggested they perhaps focus on just one topic and try to get that completed by town meeting.  The timeframe for publishing public notices and holding public hearings is a consideration.  Kieley told the board that after attending a recent seminar on agriculture he has started doing research.  He proposed a tiered category style ordinance (similar to the town’s Home Business ordinance).  The ordinance would address crops, animals and buildings, with an emphasis on supporting agriculture but also protecting neighbor’s rights, plus encouraging use of Best Management Practices (BMP’s).  Kieley said the proposed ordinance would not be overly complicated or restrictive, and would break out personal use vs. business use.  Pickman asked how to create a definition for commercial agriculture.  Lockwood referred to excerpts from RSA 674:32-c and provided information from literature printed by the state OEP and DES.  It was agreed a definition of agriculture is needed in the Zoning Ordinance, as well as a new chapter (Section) under Article IV, plus changes to Article II - Definitions.  Kieley and Lockwood will work to create a first draft and forward to board members for review.  There was also brief discussion of creating a “Site Plan Review – Light” for agricultural purposes, and consideration of updating agriculture within the Master Plan.  Lockwood expressed interest in establishing a permitting process but was told that would be under the purview of the Board of Selectmen. 

Meeting dates:  Pickman told the board they may need to meet on an odd or extra night relative to scheduled deadlines, and he would prefer to allow timing to accommodate two public hearings.  The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on December 17th, then next on January 7, 2015.  The timeline for publishing and posting to allow for two public hearings will be forwarded to board members. 

Motion by Martin to adjourn the meeting, second by Lockwood, and so voted at 8:16 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Betsy Perry



~ Next meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 ~