Lighting of the Holiday Tree on the Common

Each year the Holiday Lighting Committee selects one resident to have the honor of flipping on the switch to light the Holiday Focus Tree on the Common. This year’s honoree was 98 year old Mary Whitehurst, whom we believe is the oldest resident in Temple. Mary, and her daughter Catherine, are active members in Temple volunteer organizations including the Souhegan Lions, Temple Ladies Aid, Temple Historical Society, and Four Score and More or Less. She has had a lifetime of volunteering, beginning with being a plane spotter on the North Carolina coast in WW2! Our town is fortunate to have such a dedicated and interesting person in our community!Mary Whitehurst tree lighing

We are sorry the cancelation due to a 90% chance of rains disappointed many of you, but it was decided very few would attend in a downpour. In lieu of our annual event, a few members and supporters of this committee asked Mary if she would be willing to flip the switch a day earlier when we had dry weather. Photos were taken so you could all still witness the event.

We also want to thank Elena Swan, who had offered to lead the caroling, Dan Masterson who spent hours adeptly stringing the lights on the trees, Rob Wills who applied his electrical skills, and all the members of this committee who have worked so hard to bring the joy of light to all of us during the Holiday Season!HLC






Committee Members:
Gail Cromwell, Dan Masterson, Mary Scholl, Rob Wills, Matt Cabana

PS. The Holiday Lighting Committee is always looking for volunteers!