
Meeting date: 
Monday, November 4, 2013

Budget Advisory Committee

Town of Temple, NH

Meeting Minutes

4 November 2013

  1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. at the Town Hall.


  1. Attendance

Following BAC members were present: Steve Andersen, Cody Charron, Mike Davidson, Brian Kullgren, Luke Peterson. The following BAC members were absent: Gary Scholl.

Also in attendance was Selectman Mike Darnell and Gail Cromwell (Ex=Officio); Tim Fiske, Highway Dept.; Mark Salisbury and Will Wildes, Fire Dept.


  1. Motion to make Mike Davidson acting chairman (previously co-chairman) and to make Steve Andersen minute-taker (previously chairman). Motion passed.


  1. Follow up meeting with the road agent. Tim presented a five year projection for paved road maintenance, with the 2014 plan to cost $130,000. Tim suggested to increase the asphalt paving line to $130,000. BAC discussed extending the five year plan to 6-7 years. The road agent felt that there would be no gain. The total five year plan to cost approximately $740,000. The 17 miles of paved roads are expected to cost $43,000 per mile over the next five years. Motion by Luke Peterson to raise the asphalt paving line to $130,000 until final budget is reviewed. Seconded by Steve Andersen. Motion passed.


  1. Fire Department brought in the follow-up numbers for the air packs totaling $61,000. The idea of purchasing the air compressor in 2013 was not viable at the last selectmen’s meeting. Discussion about the air packs being a warrant article versus budget item because the article is a life safety item and cannot be voted down. BAC agreed to make it a line item in personal protection line. Motion by Steve Andersen to increase personal protection line item by $61,000 until final budget is reviewed. Seconded by Luke Peterson. Motion passed.


  1. Other Business: BAC discussed if there is any reason that the budget is not on “auto pilot” BAC discussed if it was in the best interests of the taxpayers to continue after this fall and what gain to the voters there is. Motion by Steve Andersen toi ask the selectmen to place a warrant article in to disband the BAC. Seconded by Brian Kullgren.  Motion passed unanimously.


Minutes submitted by Steve Andersen

Minutes approved by BAC:  12-4-2013