
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Budget Advisory Committee
Town of Temple, NH
Meeting Minutes
22 January 2014

1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. at the Town Hall.

2. Attendance
Following BAC members were present: Steve Andersen, Cody Charron, Mike Davidson, Brian Kullgren, Luke Peterson, Gary Scholl.

Also in attendance was Selectman Mike Darnell; Selectman Gail Cromwell was called to come to the meeting. Fire engineers were also in attendance.

3. Board discussed the entire budget using most recent spreadsheet. The new spreadsheet included a separate BAC column.

4. Discussion about library budget to match selectmen’s column. Librarian was called on phone by board to answer last minute questions. Board made no changes to 2014 proposed library budget.

5. Discussion with the fire engineers over the need for money to purchase turnout gear. Will Wildes explained the need to purchase two sets of gear in 2014 and that there were two sets of gear that could not be fully used. Also any new fire fighters would need gear to go to the academy. No action was taken and fire department budget was approved from prior meetings.

6. Motion by Brian Kullgren to reduce the sand and gravel line to $18,000. Seconded by Mike Davidson. A discussion followed that the gravel used on town roads could be reduced this year to save money. Brian stated that there are years of gravel built up on the roads could be easily repaired with the new grader. The idea is that dirt roads are easier to maintain than asphalt roads and it goes together with reducing sealing costs this year. Board agreed that there is some merit to motion and realizes that the road agent is putting in time on the Converse Road bridge. It also was brought up that the board would need the road agent present to change the budget any further – all prior changes for this year had been fully discussed with road agent. Motion was tabled.

7. Discussion by board on total budget recommendation for 2014 of $1,208,989, not including any warrant articles. A tax rate scenario was done using $400,000 for estimated revenue. The budget total would equal an estimated tax rate of $5.35 using this year’s evaluation. Motion by Steve Andersen to recommend a budget for 2014 to be $1,208,989. Seconded by Mike Davidson. Motion passed unanimously.

8. Motion to adjourn meeting @ 8:35 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Steve Andersen
Minutes approved by BAC: 1-31-14