
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Budget Advisory Committee
Town of Temple, NH
Meeting Minutes
15 January 2014
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:03, p.m. at the Town Hall.
2. Attendance
Following BAC members were present: Steve Andersen, Cody Charron, Mike Davidson, Brian Kullgren, Luke Peterson, Gary Scholl.
Also in attendance was Selectman Gail Cromwell.
3. Minutes from previous meeting were passed unanimously.
4. Board discussed the entire budget using most recent spreadsheet. The board agreed to most of the recent changes by the selectmen. There was a question about the abatements increasing by $10,000 to $20,000. Board was informed there were pending items from 2013 to be possibly paid out in 2014.
5. Motion by Steve Andersen to lower cemetery expansion line to $1000 from $3000 until there is a final plan produced including grades and overall look. Seconded by Mike Davidson. Motion passed.
6. Board discussed possibly lowering personal protection gear in fire department budget. Selectman Cromwell had questions about this category. Chairman Andersen proposed bringing the fire engineers back in at next meeting to address this question. Board agreed.
7. Motion by Steve Andersen to lower asphalt paving line to $35,000 from $100,000. Seconded by Brian Kullgren. Motion was discussed further to remind the board that this issue was discussed previously with the road agent. Motion passed.
8. Motion by Gary Scholl to get actual costs and expenses for the Conservation Committee. Seconded by Brian Kullgren. Motion passed.
9. Motion to adjourn meeting @ 8:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Steve Andersen
Minutes approved by BAC: 1-31-14